Monday, May 23, 2011

You always have a choice...

Who will you choose to be in the face of a difficult challenge? When life stinks? And things are tough?

We can't always choose our situation, but we can always choose who we are going to be in every situation.

It has not been an easy road, living with a chronic health challenge.  Sometimes I have acted out being impatient and short tempered, feeling sorry for myself (my poor husband usually being the lucky recipient of my frustration.  Thanks for your patience and understanding, Chris). 

I finally learned to acknowledge my difficult situation and extend love and compassion to myself.  This allows me to look at myself and who I am choosing to be in the face of difficulty.  Am I going to be unhappy, impatient and frustrated or loving and compassionate?  I choose to show up in life extending LOVE.

We always have a choice.  And it makes all the difference.

This I know for sure.

Only three more days until I leave!

Love and blessings,